Friday, December 27, 2013

Pearl's Oyster House - A Little Taste of Home

Pearl's Oyster House
299 South Main Street
Memphis, TN 


Dynamite Shrimp & Crawfish Dip Appretizer combo, Seafood Alfredo and Crabcake Pick-Two, Shrimp & Grits, Brownie, Hushpuppies
Atmosphere - 10       
Menu - 10
Presentation - 8
Taste - 10
Price - 9
Service - 8
  Overall - 9.5

Atmosphere - Pearl's is oozing with swag. The deep red color behind the bar and dim lighting immediately set the mood when you walk through the door. The walls are primarily exposed brick, which gives an authentic vintage feel to the space, and are adorned with a variety of local art, as is characteristic of South Main. The main dining room is longer than it is wide with an extensive bar along the side. There's elevated seating toward the back (where we sat) that provides an awesome view of the restaurant and a prime position for people watching. The vibe of the restaurant makes you feel like you've wandered into a secret joint on a side street in New Orleans. Swag.

Menu - The menu at Pearl's was expansive. With a name like Pearl's Oyster House you might expect it to be limited. They have seafood options of all kinds prepared in multiple different ways as well as some non-seafood options for those who might not be as interested. The have an excellent selection of beer and wine. They also advertise some unique items such as a signature drink called the Red Pearl  (a mixture of Redd's and Fireball) and various kinds of shots that include oysters in them such as The Mexi Oyster Shooter (oyster, tequila, and Tabasco). 

Presentation - The presentation was very nice. Everything (except the Shrimp & Grits) was served on white dishes and separated out by dish component. We really liked who each specific part of the dishes got their unique plating. The Shrimp & Grits was unique in that it came in a red and black bowl. It was topped with crispy onion straws which added a nice layer of texture and aesthetic appeal.

Taste - Having lived on the Gulf Coast in Florida, it should be taken seriously when we say this was some of the best seafood we've had in a long time. The crawfish dip was creamy with a subtle spice and excellent blend of flavors. The hushpuppies were perfectly crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. They had a surprising heat that made them all the more enjoyable. The shrimp & grits were delectable. The onion straws and ham were a touch we had never seen before and the grits were cooked perfectly served with something they call "muddy water broth" that was wonderfully flavorful. The only complaint about it was that the shrimp themselves were a little on the small side. The crab cake was one of the best we have ever had outside of Maryland, but as a personal preference we prefer when the crab meat is more chunked rather than shredded. The remoulade sauce came served on the side which was appreciated, because in excess it could have overwhelmed the dish. The seafood alfredo was incredible; it had the exact right amount of heat that was tempered by the cheesiness of the sauce that really complemented the scallops and crawfish. The brownie was delicious! Served with whipped cream, vanilla ice cream, and caramel, it was like a little piece of heaven. The only thing that seemed not to reach its full potential was the dynamite shrimp. With a name like that you expect an explosion of flavor, but all we really tasted was BBQ sauce. 
 Price - The price at Pearl's was overall pretty good. The shrimp and grits was a bargain at $10.99 for the amount of food that you got. The entree combo is the way to go if you want to taste multiple dishes. You can pick two for $15.99. The only thing that seemed a little on the expensive side was their oysters, but I guess when its your signature dish, you can afford it.

Service - Our waiter was lovely. He was friendly and treated us like old friends. The food was a little slow, but there was a LARGE party in the restaurant. We think that if that hadn't been the case it would have been perfect.


Absolutely! So far Pearl's Oyster House holds the title for our favorite Memphis Restaurant.This will definitely be a place we recommend and bring our friends and family when they visit.

 Here's a link to their website:

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