Thursday, January 16, 2014

Boscos Squared - Out of Town Friends Visit

Bosco's Squared
2120 Madison Avenue
Memphis, TN


Baked Lasagna Bolognese, Bosco's Burger, Garlic Parmesan Fries

Atmosphere - 8
Menu - 7
Presentation - 6
Taste - 6
Price - 6
Service - 7
 Overall - 6.5

Atmosphere - As it is with many places in the midtown area, the first word that comes to mind when you walk into Bosco's Squared is "cool." You get the feeling that you've walked into something
both warm and sophisticated and much more interesting than its unassuming exterior would suggest. A long, dark bar is the central focus of the restaurant with two sections of seating, one down either side. The atmosphere is sophisticated without feeling stuffy and is a great gathering place for people of all sorts.

Menu -Bosco's sports a menu that is diverse but not cumbersome. There are plenty of choices for people of all tastes. They offer soups, salads, pastas, sandwiches, and flatbreads. One of the more interesting looking options is the Black Bean & Goat Cheese Tamale. The overall best part of the menu hands don is the beer selection. Boscos goes a step beyond offering local craft beers and actually brews their own. Their year-round offerings include The Famous Flaming Stone, Midtown Brown, Bosco's Bombay IPA, and Isle of Skye Scottish Ale. On top of those they have seasonal specialties available. They offer $11 half gallon growlers. Unfortunately we were unable to try any of the beers because we were sick during our visit, but our research has led us to the conclusion that it's the best thing about Bosco's.

Presentation - Presentation at Bosco's was not bad at all. Plain white dishes that gave off an air of class accompanied all the dishes. We have definitely seen worse, but the low score derives from the fact that we expected something more from a place with such a vivid personality.

Taste - One word: underwhelming. Nothing was bad per se, but nothing really jumped out and grabbed us either. Maybe it was because people had hyped up Bosco's to us too much beforehand, but it just didn't live up to our expectations. The Baked Lasagna Bolognese was bland. The cheeses did not stand out and the sauce was something that could have come out of a jar at Kroger. The signature burger was not much better. It was just a burger with no distinguishable traits.The garlic parmesan fries were the most
unique tasting thing we ordered, but were unfortunately drowned in garlic.

Price - The price was not good. The lasagna was $15 dollars and was much to small and lacking in flavor to be worth it. The burger and fries were $13. We've had bigger, better burgers for less in many places in the city.

Service -Our service was just fine. Our server was polite, but with zero personality and was a bit slow.

Yeah, but only for the curiosity about the beer.

Here's a link to their website:

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